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2021 RGB Soul School The Uncommon School

A Place of Spiritual Learning and Knowledge

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Where do you feel that itch for change?

I always know it’s time to make change within my life by the way I feel. If I’m waking and I feel that drag of ho-hum, or even the desire to roll over and ignore the day, then it’s the Universe banging at the door reminding me that I’m not here to be unhappy.

The need for Change is signalled differently for everyone, but the common denominator will always be FELT, that emotional vibration. How do I feel in this moment, this day, this job, relationship, financial state, this repeated experience. This life of Mine.

Unfortunately we have for the most part had the ‘how do I  honestly feel’ programmed out of us, being replaced by the need to over think, being our go to. And the problem with thinking is it’s totally reliant on past memory, that’s it!!! The information you hold in that bank of past experiences will always govern your next move.
Not exactly helpful for creating new is it.

Thinking is just another re-creation of our story, that same repeated theme, habit, response, and narrative we have been living for as long as we can remember.  You are probably tired of it, certainly those around you will know it and be responding to it in ways that you wouldn’t even expect.

Change can be scary for some, but my question is always the same… Is it scarier than waking every morning knowing that you aren’t living the life you desire?

Is it?

Learning how to release those inner fears and mistrust of yourself, allows you to not just see the infinite possibilities that are in front of you daily but act on them, fearlessly.  Learning to use your natural intuition and discernment allows you to take your power and control back and stand easily in your truth and on your right path, in your own way.

The 9 week Transformational Journey Course has been developed to focus on the most relevant knowledge and learning that will awaken you to your full potential, a potential you will no longer be afraid to use to the fullest for the  benefit of yourself and those around you.

If you don’t control your life, Someone else will…

9 weeks of content that, after over 5500 consultations with clients has proven to be the most needed for that effective, easy transformational change to take place.


attend online evening group classes with Penny from the comfort of your own home

Week 1

If we were taught intent and its outcomes from an early age our lives would be looking vastly different.
When used consciously and well with a full understanding of it, there is nothing that cant be achieved. No limits, no confines, no ceilings.
Intent is the wisdom we should be passing on to our kids from the day they are born, as it contains our power, our innate magic , and our birthright to live a life of our own design.

It is most definitely not a goal setting exercise, that is at best a wishy washy approach to creation, Intent is the overriding energy of life, and at present, chances are you are holding a power you are not consciously aware of, and so has become like that unguided missile, who knows where it will end up taking you.

We will start the course with the learning of controlling, directing and creating your intent, what ever that is. And if you don’t know, then I will help you find it.  Financial, relationship, a new home, car, travel, career, discovery is always so exciting.

So if you are wanting to know where you will be, and what your life will look like in 6 months, 12 months, 5 years, on your terms then intent is the knowledge you need a good firm grasp over.

Week 2
Trauma and It’s Release

Without even noticing you will be spending a great deal of your time in any given day defending or protecting yourself.  Lying, to yourself and others, people pleasing, being aggressive or angry, avoiding conflict, blaming yourself  others for any imperfection, and even getting unwell, yes illness and injury are most definitely a way we can protect ourselves from the world.  

We tend to think of trauma as those moments of extreme life changing crisis. The truth is that trauma and it’s negative outcomes lie in even, what could be considered as the mundane day to day events that we have all encountered since birth.

These events and experiences, big and small,  form our personality, our unconscious response to the world and our success or failures can depend very much on even the smallest of past traumatic experiences .  

Our unconscious and persistent need to defend and protect ourselves is entirely based on what we have taken on about ourselves and how we need to behave through these ‘traumas’.

They are what inevitably create our self worth, our fears, self doubts, our every action and decision.   They most certainly create our financial and relationship status.

Week 2 of the course will be understanding the process that occurs when you come up against trauma and how that has impacted you personally. You will learn how to self identify the aspects of your life that the trauma energy is still holding you back and gain understanding about what aspects of your life are being negatively affected by past events.

Releasing your fears and lack of self worth and self trust,  of failure, success, conflict, along with all of those endless damaging self beliefs, creates freedom, a freedom that will allow you to find your right life without succumbing to that feeling of doubt and the need to put the world before yourself.

Finding out who you are without your fear, that is life changing.

Week 3
Understand and Working with Energy

To say ‘we are all energy’ and to truly understand that statement is evidenced by the way we live.
Every situation, experience, colour, emotion, feeling and thought, and of course the human body and its auric field are made up of Energy.


All just different vibrations and frequencies.
Clairvoyance, intuition, reading Aura, psychometry (the reading of that energy from personal items, photos etc) are all aspects of understanding, and remembering how to read energy and make it work for you instead of against you on a day to day basis.
Understanding how to use energy well is at the very root of true transformation of your life.
Week 3 will teach you how to read your life, the energy of it, of people, places and experiences. To fully understand the nature and working of Energy, psychometry, aura, although all these things make for great and magical skills, they will allow you the opportunity to take control back and work with the real truth of your environment and navigate it safely.

Week 4
The Spiritual Laws.

The word ‘law’ often signals the need for others to tell you how to live your life, and no one wants that. In fact sometimes it can be a target to push against.

The Spiritual laws, offer up the opposite. Understanding the few that are there gives you a direct link to your freedom and control of your life.  And aware of them or not they are impacting your life daily, right now, so learning to fully understand and live with them gives you the choice of direction, creation and freedom.

I often say life is easy, and when you follow and trust the process it is. This weeks focus is on the power of your vibration and how it impacts your entire world on a minute by minute basis, and an introduction to the Spiritual laws and how to make them work for you.

Week 5

Keeping the body and mind in balance in these interesting times can challenge us every day.  Most of our moments are spent living at top speed, with sitting still and just being no longer coming easily to a lot.

We have 9 Energy systems within this miraculous vehicle that keeps us moving through life, all changing on a day to day basis depending on our emotional state. Where we vibrate at, how stressed we feel, what we have encountered in our day.  To me, if I am feeling out of kilter mentally, physically, Spiritually or emotionally my first go to is the Chakra.  Not always, but a lot of the time, clearing and balancing these magical pools of energy can shift and heal some pretty notable issues.

If your Root Chakra is unbalanced you may experience anything from restless legs, chronic fatigue, feelings of guilt,  to panic attacks, this lowest chakra governs how you eat, money, family, your fight or flight response, your connection to the planet.  And that is just part of the impact of one of your seven Chakras.

We tend to look for answers to our distress and disease in chemicals and counselling when sometimes, it really is just that energy blockage.

Week 5 will be about gaining a full understanding of the chakras, their layers and themes.
What the symptoms of unbalance are in each of the Chakras
How to strengthen and balance the Chakra.

Access to my online Chakra Course, which includes over 35 minutes of instructional video and an 48 page PDF that includes full descriptions  training, tapping for chakras and affirmations.

Week 6.
Mindfulness Process for Positive Change

"A lot of my clients frequently express feeling 'stuck,' and given the prevalence and significant impact of this sentiment nowadays, I've developed a method to energetically alleviate it.

Those feelings of not being able to move forward, or being unable to accomplish anything, and in fact not having any idea as to where to move forward to, can leave you  with the general feeling of ‘what is the point’. I know I have been there a few times myself. And they are draining.

After using this process a few hundred times with clients I have seen radical change on most occasions. It never fails to shift energy, and as in all things, that is what we need to do to make positive change in our lives.
It will encompass 3 parts, all simple, easy and effective.

Attempting to create new, while we are energetically overwhelmed from the past is near on impossible.

Week 7.
Understanding the Complex Energy of Love and how to Navigate through It.

Ever find yourself getting into the same battles over and over with your partner. Nothing really changes, nothing ever really gets resolved, the battle field is just constantly shifting from one area of the relationship to the other with the same outcome of anger, hurt, misunderstanding and frustration.  Love is probably one of the most time consuming experiences we voluntarily enter into in our life times.
The up’s and downs are on a scale that no other event or experience gives us.
The Understanding that we all have an involuntary ‘go to’ for our stress response when our love relationships are under threat is just pure gold. Learning that your partner is not just stubborn or uncaring but actually in the midst of survival mode (in their unique energetic way) when in combat with you can be the difference between the parting of the ways and finding peace and harmony with the person you love.  This week you will be introduced to the defaults of love energy, you will self test to establish your ‘go to’, and gain the knowledge of what that means for your relationship.

Week 8
Relationships and Sex

This week we will focus on your relationships, whether it be a lack of the right one, the failure of way too many, the failure of one that you can’t move forward from, or the difficulties within the one you are present in. You will learn the why and how to create something better where ever you are within the relationship cycle. There will be further learning around the different energetic approaches to relationship stress and how to shift that energy to one of harmonious understanding.
Sexuality, love it or hate it, it plays a huge part in our lives and our relationships. Whether it’s recreating that lost romance, or just outright fun sex and enjoying every minute, our sex is important. It can shift worlds.  Finding that perfect place within the turmoil of it all can change any relationship profoundly.

Week 9
The Art and Wisdom of No

We identify the word ‘yes’ with expansion and learning to be open to the world.
But some things that we feel we need to say yes to will not lead to our happiness or wellbeing.
Especially in the current times, it's important for us to feel at ease saying, 'No, thank you... I'll pass on this one.'
Saying No to those things, people, experiences, and events that don’t honour us, is not about avoidance, denial or repression of self, it doesn’t mean being judgemental or having an aversion to what we have to make a choice around.  The ease of being able to say ‘No’ allows us to discern what is arising in front of us, and where it is leading us to. Is it right for us, our higher good, or is it damaging to all we align ourselves with? Does it take us further from our truth self.
We tend to get caught up in the social habits of the moment and the habits of our minds and don’t always show wise restraint where it is needed.  We can be socially bullied into taking paths that lead us into taking wrong turns in life. This weeks focus is  the Wisdom and Art of No.  One of my personal favourites.

The Wisdom of No at the appropriate times is the Expression of a Free Mind.

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Soul School Testimonials - Previous Courses

It was an absolute pleasure to spend four days with Penny at one of her Soul Schools, or Soul Retreat as I was treating it. 
My purpose to attend with Penny was Firstly, I wanted to go to get some time away for myself. Secondly, I wanted to learn some techniques that I could implement/practice on a daily basis within my professional and personal landscapes.  Having been in a difficult and stressful work environment for a number of years, feeling out of control, overwhelmed and exploited on a daily basis in my work environment I just could not see any end or improvement in sight. I had become a complete shell of my former vivacious, happy, productive, enthusiastic self able to approach things confidence and certainty.  To the extent it has impacted my personal life and well being.

I went with an open mind and a willingness to embrace all that was discussed, even if it was out of my comfort zone and knowledge base.  To my joy the others in attendance were lovely, embracing and supporting in all aspects no matter what questions or experiences were shared.  Penny and Paul made me feel welcome, relaxed and most importantly valued.  The information was vast but useful. The techniques we learned were simple yet mind blowingly powerful. Most of all it helped recharge my batteries and gave me hope for a more positive future.   Most importantly for me I learned things I could do personally to protect myself, improve my energy, encourage my personal growth and move to something more aligned with my values.

Whilst it is a daily work in progress when i think back and focus on the course learnings I feel an instant calm and happiness that it will all be ok and it is now within my power to attract and encourage a beautiful life and a feeling of happiness and abundance.

Thanks Penny, I will be back for more. AHB

"I totally recommend the course with Penny. We have been going for about a month and quite frankly I can't believe the shift already (and I have more of Penny goodness, wisdom, and support to go!) A month ago I was waking in the night worried about money, panicking when I saw an empty calendar for the week ahead. I watched my bank account go down and down... more panic. I would wake in the morning and feel like shutting out the world and going back to sleep so I didn't have to deal with my day.

Now a month on... WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I get up, and I am enthusiastic about the day ahead, work is picking up, and setting intentions each day has been awesome. Big and small miracles are happening every day. On waking, I plan with the universe what I expect and my intent, then I go make it happen... seriously it's like magic! I follow Pennys guidance and do the energy exercises, I keep an eye on my feelings/frequency. And it all works out. I don't worry about money, and it comes in, my calendar is booking up, so no more panicking about work in the coming weeks.

Apart from all the blocks that have been released, Penny also has a great business mind and encouraged me to see where else I could work with my skills. So I am currently making another branch to my business. Thanks so much Penny! "

N.S Tauranga

"I’ve participated in many of Penny’s trainings and courses over the years. And I’ve learnt a huge amount from Penny, but this course has totally blown me away with its capacity for massive personal transformation
Penny’s dedication to this programme is evident in all that we do. Penny is highly intuitive and has a deep understanding of how energy (and life) works.  These qualities combined with her faith and determination that we will succeed makes her the most incredible and formidable mentor.  
I’m already setting and manifesting my intentions with a whole new level of success. I’m also tuning in energetically to myself, my clients, community and environment with a much greater level of awareness and subtlety.
I’ve got greater clarity around what’s important to me in my life and I’m now I’m in the process of aligning my life to match. Getting clear about aspects of my life that are no longer serving me and places where the energy is mis-aligned has been hugely empowering.
This course gets the A+++ from me!"

RM, Bay of Penty

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