It’s a question I get asked a lot but..
I’m not sure anyone can give you a definitive answer on that, not even me, but I will give you what I do know from personal experience.
I do know they are all energy in varying degrees of intensity.
The first time I saw a ghost she appeared as a thick ring of almost a smoke like substance around 50 cm across. She came into the room through the wall and slowly moved around me. She was residing in my house and was an endless source of happiness for my then 3 month old grandaughter who used to pick her head up off my shoulder, giggle and then watch her as she moved around the room. Kids especially are so open to the other side with no fear blocking their view.
The second time, and from then on they have always presented themselves exactly as they passed. The clothing the features, they always seem as if they are still here but with a transparency that varies.
I remember having to ask a client who had been travelling to come and see me after I had the nudge from Spirit to help them. When she lay down on my table a figure dressed in a military uniform appeared in the corner. Even the uniform was so clearly visible, I was later able to track him down from online records as being part of the English territorials posted to Ireland around 1913. He gave me his full name which I now forget, but when I called him John rather than Jonathon, he told me off.
The story he gave me around his life and how and when he died was what I later found in my search.
I had a very similar experience with a NZ soldier that had died in the Vietnam war. Easily traceable as, thank God we didn't lose that many in that particular war.
Since then I have had many interactions with ghosts, even one that appeared drunk in a wine cellar. The story goes he built it, loved wine a little too much, but passed before he got to use it. And yet that is where he was hanging out.
I’ve never had a problem with ghosts, they find their way to me when they are tired and want to go home. Ghosts are simply humans that have been too shocked at their passing to move into the light or have unfinished business here and wont’t leave.
Some feel they need to be here to protect family, and some, which is truly sad, have taken years to understand they are in fact dead.
Of course there are some nasty ones out there, but it would only mean they were nasty In life, we don’t make change the instant we die.
When I pass them over to Spirit I always cry, it is the signal they are home and safe as the tears are always accompanied by the most insane sense of unconditional love…. If only us humans could learn to love like that.
When my brother passed, I sat with him for about 10 minutes then went to the kitchen to see Paul. I heard my brother call me, which at the time was a little unsettling so I went to sit with him again. As I sat on the bed next to him, I watched his soul leave his body. Clearly he knew it was something I needed to experience, and its something I will be forever grateful for.
I have read that when you pass the soul leaves through the crown, it doesn’t.
I always knew our soul sits behind our heart. It is what gives us our alignment when we are finding our way through life, it is why our heart is always the best decision. maker,
I watched as my brother's soul left from his heart, a swirling energy of the most beautiful emerald green I have ever seen. A confirmation that we have no beginning and no end.
And that is a spirit.
They are for the most part positive light beings, the essence of a person or animal that continues beyond the death of the physical body.
These entities possess the remarkable ability to traverse the boundaries between dimensions, moving from their spiritual realm to our earthly plane. Their purpose in doing so is often to protect or communicate with loved ones they've left behind. I am sure you all would have experienced having that one person visit you after passing, when you’ve been in distress or need comfort.
The flip side to that is when they are less than benevolent. I had a case years ago when the great great great grandfather was determined to find a way of returning through the family and was creating havoc with my clients child. No one had been able to work out what was going on but when she sent photos there was his face mingling with hers. Interestingly he was incredibly famous in his time so I was able to compare the photos with the energetic imprint on the childs face and again in the aura... These spirits I find even more challenging than the entity. They are relentless and quite sneaky.
So when we speak of "Spirits," we're referring to those who have experienced a relatively normal transition through death.
They've journeyed into the light, emerging into the upper Astral plane. And like I said spirits don’t change their identity when they pass. The only difference between us and them is we reside in the physical plane they reside in the Spiritual realm. The veil between the two is very thin. That is how I can speak with those that have moved over. Spirits can maintain strong emotional connections with the living.
The Astral plane is often described as a non-physical realm of existence, a level of reality beyond the physical that is home to various entities, including spirits.
While it is often associated with higher consciousness and spiritual experiences, it's important to note that the Astral plane is not necessarily a place of absolute truth or purity. Like our physical world, it can contain a mix of positive and negative energies, and experiences there can be influenced by one's own thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.
I would caution that encounters in the Astral plane should be approached with discernment, as not all entities or experiences there may be trustworthy or beneficial.
I remember one energy swearing black and blue they were from the highest, a lie that became very obvious in a short amount of time. This is also why I do not use guides in my work or personal life as they reside on this plane. I only work with Source Energy, that is how I stay safe and know that what I do will only be of the highest and cause no harm. I remove the need for what could be the dodgy middle man.
Generally they are thought to be noisy ghosts. I am not too sure. I have a different process for removing different energy’s and I have to say, I have never been able to remove the poltergeist with the same process as the ghost. Or maybe its just a different frequency when they are a bit vicious. Normally they just start throwing things at you and making a general nuisance of themselves.
Depending on the intensity of these energies they can just be a general annoyance or they can be downright dangerous, but normally only if you don’t duck quick enough,
I have had knives, cellphones, and smaller bits of furniture thrown at me, Do they have souls, I have never stopped to ask one. Most of them feel very ancient to me. I always get that sense of mould and damp when working with them. They are never fun
My entry into what I do now started with me being confronted by some very powerful entity. In fact they would make the exorcist look like a cartoon. Watching someone get thrown around the room, limbs being unnaturally twisted while I stood and calmly observed is what made me realise I had been doing this work for lifetimes.
I don't believe they have souls. But like I said at the beginning its only my experience, I may very well be wrong. In saying that I don’t know who is in a position to make a statement of ‘fact’ around that. It would take inside information that just cant be known with any certainty.
Entity, with the veil becoming thinner daily are more prolific than ever before. Where maybe every 10th client would have some energy small or large on or within their field, now I am seeing it with maybe ever 3rd for 4th client. As I have stated before and much to the annoyance of many, they love tattoos. As each of these energies have a symbol for a name, and they can be called in just by focusing on that sigil, theres a lot of calling in going on.
I know Jung was of the same opinion as me, he purported that a large percentage of mental health issues are created by entity residing within the energy field of humans.
The symptoms of having these energies on or near you mimic poor mental health. Depression, anxiety, spiking fear, hallucinations, paranoia, aggression, confusion, physical ailments.
You may experience runs of horrible ‘luck’, financial struggles, arguments with your partner or family, nightmares, get sick with weird illnesses. The list is endless.
I have worked with a client’s daughter who was strapped to a bed in a mental health ward, such was her state of mind. When I lifted the energy from her she was up, lucid and calm within hours.
These are the energies that cause me the most damage. A broken nose, cracked arm bone, even a tooth lost. I have been taken to my knees a couple of times and spent the odd few days in bed recovering from the intensity of the attacks. Unfortunately you never know exactly what you’re in for until its too late to back out, and unfortunately they know I'm coming before I do.
I have seen them present themselves as everything from a child's imaginary friend to a slobbering vicious b grade movie demon with its 9 inch talons stuck into its victims chest.
How you know there is some presence is always, if nothing else entertaining. I have spent an hour driving to a house thats 5 minutes away as they have diverted me by wiping my memory, getting me lost on streets that I drive every day. I remember turning up at one property to see they had masked the house, the street numbers went from 10 to 14. Apparently the house at number 12 disappeared.
Sometimes, the stakes get a little higher. I'll never forget driving up the Northern Motorway at around 100 km/h, when my consciousness was suddenly simply wiped clean. In that moment, I didn't know what a car was, let alone how to operate one. I was left with one foot slammed down on the accelerator with no idea how to take it off .
As I hurtled towards the back of the truck in front of me there was no panic just me calmly questioning myself ‘what the hell is this thing Im in.
Spirit, as it does without fail when things do get to the life and death point, simply said ‘look down, now right foot left metal thing, which in the human world is of course the brake. That was enough to shatter the energy construct that had trapped me.
It was a stark reminder of the power plays at work in the unseen realms, and the thin line we walk.
So when people ask me who it was that was in their energy I can only say that having a conversation with them is by far the last thing on my mind.. even if they were known to ever tell the truth.
Although this job isn't for the faint of heart, I still, not just prefer it to my old corporate world, I cant imagine doing anything else.
And face It, it does make for really good work stories.
I could write forever about my experiences in all I have seen that the world used to tell me was not possible, but for now I hope this answers that one question I am constantly asked.
The world is a magical place where anything is possible if you just stay curious, and understand why you are here, and why you will be here again, and again.
And yes I know the burning question that I should answer after lifting the veil for you. How to protect yourself?
It’s a vibrational thing:
Stay happy, live your life your way, understand what you put out comes back to you….. When you are vibrating at your best you deflect them. They don't like love … so be that.
Wearing high vibrating oils in your energy will help keep your field strong
Work with your aura and strengthen it daily
Drugs and too much alcohol alter your mind, and anything that does that leaves you open for attack.
Dont engage in meditations or spiritual practices on Youtube etc. Long explanation but you might have to trust me on that one.
Simply ask…. I give thanks that I am completely surrounded by Christs light through which nothing negative can penetrate… and see it. Light is what keeps you safe in so many ways.
When you ask for protection just sit quietly and see what comes to mind.. but you will be shown something.
Stay aware.. When you suddenly fall ill and cant shake it, start having nightmares, everything starts going wrong, you literally don’t feel yourself… do something about it. Don’t ignore it.
I know this may have created more questions than answers as its an almost infinite subject.
But if you have questions let me know and I will do my best to answer what I can